Wednesday, July 28, 2010

life, in translation.

As you can see, I'm currently trying to learn Czech.

In Korea.

My life is difficult



Thursday, July 15, 2010

if you've got to leave a place, this is surely the way to do it

My life in Korea frequently surprises and delights me with its randomness. There are times when, as I walk myself home at night, I start thinking of the day's events and can't help but laugh out loud. Tonight was definitely one of those nights.

What started as a school outing to see a play (which I may have napped during, but in my defense it was entirely in Korean and you know, hankuk mal mutayo.) became an epic evening of semi-organized staff fun. We went to dinner, where makkoli was ladled into large bowls for us. I was also unexpectedly pulled up by my principal to say some parting words (I did my best to improvise this) and for some reason they really wanted me to sing (no-rae! no-rae!) but I couldn't think of a single song that would be appropriate so i scurried back to my seat. this was followed by shots of whiskey, and then soju. When I one shot-ed some soju the korean teachers cheered and then demanded that I stay in Korea. Clearly I belong here. Hillarious and super sweet.

Mrs. Yu (head english teacher and my unofficial korean mom) then convinced a bunch of teachers to go to norebang (karaoke) which was super super fun. We were heading to the subway/buses to go home, when Jin Sung-In got a call from the Principal. Turns out the teachers had moved on to another spot for beers, and they wanted us to come. We looked at eachother, then turned around and headed over for round 3.

We drank, I took pictures, people told me they wished they could talk to me more (if only their english was better) and they were going to miss me, my principal shook my hand and thanked me multiple times for America's participation in the Korean war. Lee Jung Hyun, the social studies teacher, kept saying "everybody here loves you". Wierdly, this is pretty true. And I love them all back.

I've had a really outstanding time here, and I'm sorry to be leaving. But if you've got to go its nice to go knowing that you are liked and will be missed. Every strugle, every failure, every lunch spent staring into space because I had no idea what anyone was saying... it was all totally worth it and I'd do it over again in a heartbeat.

Korea... saranghaeyo.  <3

Big Bang Boys Over Flowers parody

This may possibly be one of the funniest things I have ever seen in my life. Which is probably proof that my K-drama addiction has reached unsafe levels. oh well, 괜찮아요. ^^

...and part 2 ^^

"since you kissed her, you've become weird. you definitely love her." hehehe. gotta love that k-drama logic. The coffee prince parody is also surprisingly good.