Tuesday, February 20, 2007

John McCain is a tool

Remember the good old days, about a year ago, when John McCain was totally commendable? A maverick free thinker who supported sensible policy even if if meant directly going against his own party. "Now thats backbone," I said to myself, and I'm sure many others. "That kind of principled action is what we need from the democrats."

Cut to 2007, when McCain decides to run for president, and promptly sells out everything he's ever stood for (coincidentally the things which made him popular and respected enough to run in the first place). When I saw today that he has called for Roe V. Wade to be overturned, and not even on the basis of some sort of intelligent legal argument but just spewing the standard Republican reactionary buzzwords (ie activist judges) I had a physical urge to vomit.

Oh Senator McCain, how low you have fallen and how disappointing for all of us who hoped you stood for a better, more reasonable brand of politics. Ambition blinds all men, i suppose, but yours is a special kind of betrayal. If your campaign advisers convinced you that you could pander to the far right like this and still win back the moderates and undecided liberals, I assure you that they were mistaken. You sold out too openly, too completely. No amount of spin or snappy ads will make us forget. You traded your moral high ground to become the pet and puppet of the Republican party, and I'm afraid you only get to switch sides once per election cycle.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go wretch.

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