Tuesday, February 10, 2009


from Today's Times:
"Mr Geithner also expressed concern that too many government controls would discourage private investors from participating."

hmm, know what makes me not want to invest in Corporate America right now? Corporate America. These banks, car companies, ect ran themselves into the ground (some more than others, of course) with little to no government involvement. That they are still fighting to maintain business as usual (excessive compensation, bonuses for nonperformance, private jets) is what makes me avoid them like the plague. What could government possibly do to make it worse? I mean, I know the GOP is trying hard to send the tattered remains of our economy up in smoke with their ridiculous hard-on for tax cuts, but aside from that I tend to think that government might be able to inject a little (gasp) calculability, a little common sense into the economy by putting the brakes on some of our most out of control entrepreneurs. Anyone who can still argue for a totally unrestrained, unfettered market has not been paying attention for the last year. so i say: GIVE IT UP. Accept government intervention where it can be helpful, and we will all work together to do things better from now on? deal?

*whew* i feel slightly better now. daily news fueled rage purged.

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