Wednesday, August 26, 2009

blogging live from s. korea quarantine 2009

So I've been in South Korea for a few days now, and the lock down on our campus has gotten increasingly serious. Medical checks are also becoming tighter, and rumors are starting to fly in place of any actual information. (okay, so I was kidding about the quarantine part, but in that way where its a little bit true. things do seem to be heading in that direction, but I would like to state for the record that we are not in actual quarantine-- so far as i can tell.)

In response to the encroaching cabin fever, most of us English teachers have reverted to middle school level games of yore. There is only so much to do on a closed campus with a strict no alcohol policy. All excursions to the outside world (trips to our schools, a city tour of seoul) have been canceled. This is going to be a very long week, I think. With an luck, though, on Saturday we will get to move to our apartments.

Still, its somewhat disquieting, knowing you are being held for observation.

And, in all the weirdness, its hard to find a way to express my sadness over Senator Ted Kennedy's passing. He was a good man who did a lot of good for his country and who got behind a lot of really groundbreaking legislation. We could use a lot more like him but we're not likely to see his equal for quite some time. If there is peace to be had in whatever follows life, I hope he finds some. It will be well deserved.

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