Wednesday, October 7, 2009

This just in: american politics still able to piss me off.

Yet another reason why I should not be allowed to follow American news. as someone currently enjoying the benefits of national healthcare, I found this article especially depressing.

for those of you playing at home, allow me to summarize:

"Gee, specifying exactly how much coverage insurance
companies should provide is hard. if only there was a way that we
could ensure a minimum standard of coverage without actually writing
it in to law."

Republicans: "naw man its cool. just let people figure it out
themselves. insurance cos have their backs."

"no way, jose. but damn this is getting expensive"

ME: um, hey remember that thing you kicked to the curb? that thing
that could totally solve all of this? I believe it was called the
PUBLIC OPTION. anyone? anyone? ok nevermind. *sigh*

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