Thursday, March 11, 2010

how do you measure, measure a year?

my life connects itself in the stangest ways.
today, while making a yearlong english curriculum (which mostly means copy and pasting vague lesson objectives into graph form) the broadcast system, which has replaced the class starting bell with a short musical clip, kicked up with RENT. Hearing "Seasons of Love" (a song which I deeply loved when I was in middle school myself) made me smile-- and I don't usually smile this early in the morning.
Given my compulsive wandering and increasingly unusual life path, its comforting to recieve those occasional cosmic reminders that I'm really not quite as far gone as I think.
Or maybe I'm just in a good mood becuase I finally found a place where I can get my much needed before-school coffee in under 20 minutes. (hint: its definately not paris baguette.) 

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