Sunday, March 21, 2010

politically induced insomnia

It's late sunday night here, and so its sunday morning in the states. I'm almost afraid to go to sleep with such a crucial vote going on, but alas I will have to teach in about 8 hours regardless of the fate of American Heath Care Reform.

Making one last sweep of the breaking news, I came across something Michael Moore wrote. Moore tends to make some good points, although he also tends to drive people away before he can make them. Not everyone likes his style. But the substance here was worth sharing. Turns out that Bart Stupak is Michael Moore's Congressional Representative. Turns out, Moore had a few words for the congressman.

If Stupak were truly pro-life then he'd vote for this bill. Right now, a mother in the U.S. has a ten times greater chance of dying in childbirth than a mother does in Ireland. If you really wanted to reduce abortions, you'd have to ask yourself this question: Why does godless France, where abortion is nearly free (it's covered by their universal health insurance), have 20% fewer abortions per capita than we do? What's even more amazing about that statistic is that you can't even get an abortion in America in 87% of our counties because there isn't one single doctor in those counties who will perform one! 87%!! The Right has scared them to death -- sometimes literally -- out of performing an otherwise legal, safe procedure. So, you can say women have "choice" in this country, but the reality is the "choice" doesn't exist in the majority of the nation.

the rest is at

Is anyone else really pissed at Stupak and his posse of 5 (formerly 12)? I say your tax dollars can stop going to abortions when my tax dollars stop going to the purchase of weapons. Guess which one costs more?

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