Monday, April 26, 2010

weekend update

Things I did this weekend:
Had a picnic
Ran through a fountain
Fell in the mud
Bought new shoes
Got them dirty
Bought big earings and bigger sunglasses
Skyped my parents.
Downloaded more k-pop.
Did my laundry.
Saw 100,000 adorable asian babies and wated to smoosh them all.
Took pictures (of the 35mm variety).
Went to the memorial for the lost sailors from the sunken submarine. Realized how young they were. Realized that most of them were younger than me. Paused.
Satisfied my week long craving for a burrito.
Wandered down a random, sketchy hallway... and into a really cute piano bar.
Added an amazing photobooth charm to my phone.
Caught up on Personal Taste, my kdrama of the moment.
Climbed Namsan Mountain.
Had coffee at coffee prince.
Oh, and I guess somewhere in there i slept ^^. All in all, a very satisfactory weekend. God, I love it when the weather remembers that its spring!!

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