Saturday, December 11, 2010

inquiring minds want to know.

So, its been brought to my attention that I have acquired a small czech readership. Actually, mostly just Petr and his friends. (Ahoj!)

Anyhow, i have been requested to post something about whats weird to foreigners in the czech republic. This is harder than it sounds. Maybe I've been travelling too long, but things here seem more or less normal to me. Still, when a fellow fulbrighter posted this article on facebook, I knew it absolutely made the cut. I repost the entire AP story below, for your reading pleasure. Enjoy!


Czech towns deploy cardboard police in miniskirts

PRAGUE – Authorities say that life-sized cardboards of female police officers in miniskirts placed alongside roads have managed to slow down speeding drivers in several central Czech towns.
The mayor of the town of Mrakotin, Miroslav Pozar, said Thursday drivers, including him, automatically slow down when they see such officers.

Pozar dismissed allegations this was because the drivers want to look at the officer's legs, rather than her uniform.

In nearby Myslotin, a local radio recently provided a hat and an anorak to help such officer get warm, but they were stolen in a day.

Others made it away with the cardboard officer itself.


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