Friday, December 3, 2010

Victory! (of a sort)

An importaint and exciting discovery has just been made. A breakthrough, if you will, in the European Home Sciences.

It turns out that there is hope for the large, formless masses known in these parts as "pillows". Although they are unweildly, lack the necessarry fluffiness and are in all other ways generally inferior to their American counterparts, help is on the way.

To my American compatriots in the Czech Republic and beyond I send this message: Do not despair! Simply take the "pillow" in question firmly in hand and force the entire object into a standard US pillow case. The "pillow", confused and disoriented by its newly restricted surroundings, can thus be made to take on a shape and density more closely resembling an actual pillow. (Fair warning: it will still be a bit lumpy and look rather odd).

We'll bring you more updates on this exciting story as they arrive.

1 comment:

Petr Exner said...

i really adore your blog! :D