Friday, January 7, 2011

art lessons with Kim Jong Il

Although I forget this fact from time to time, I really do love my job. I enjoy the amount of weirdness it adds to my life.

Today, for example, I taught two lessons on the environment and two on Martin Luther King. During my fourth period free I started in on the box of Korean stuff one of my coworkers nabbed me from the geography office. Today's selection was "Korea Today", an english language publication put out by North Korea in 1990 and truly everything one could hope for in light propaganda.  (yeah, my Czech high school has a secret stash of Korea books. I was surprised too. I believe my exact response was: "omo!") My life is a string of productive absurdities. But to be fair I tend to encourage the weirdness.

Anyway thats how I got to spend part of the day learning the Supreme Leader's thoughts on art.  Apparently, "No matter how importaint a topic writers choose, they will not suceed in their creative work if they do not depict it skillfully in conformity with the Party's policy". There goes my NK art career...

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