Thursday, June 17, 2010

On Error

"To do any kind of creative work well, you have to run at stuff
knowing that it's usually going to fail. You have to take that into
account and you have to make peace with it. We spend a lot of money and time on stuff that goes nowhere. It's not unusual for us to go through 25 or 30 ideas and then go into production on eight or 10 and then kill everything but three or four. In my experience, most stuff that you start is mediocre for a really long time before it actually gets good. And you can't tell if it's going to be good until you're really late in the process. So the only thing you can do is have faith that if you do enough stuff, something will turn out great and really surprise you.

-Ira Glass, on Being Wrong.

(see the full interview here)

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