Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Socially Relevant Doc Research

So I'm working on this new doc idea, on community engagement/local government.

I was thinking of covering it from the angle of the community board, which means i need to start going to the boards (both meetings and members) and identifying compelling characters or issues to focus on.

I also think it is essential that I get permission to film them during their daily lives, not just in meetings, since the point is that they volunteer and make time in their (presumably) busy lives for this crucial, rapidly disappearing, civic duty.

Choose one or two boards (complete list at http://www.nypl.org/branch/local/govt/commbd.html ). Basic info on boards (their function, ect. is at http://www.nyc.gov/html/cau/html/cb/place_in_gov.shtml

Considering bk board #1, which is williamsburg. http://www.billburg.com/community/

There is also the city council http://www.nyccouncil.info/html/calendar/calendar_new.cfm , which gets paid and is something of a diffferent matter, yet local.

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