Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The best mob that money can buy.

So it occurs to me, that while most of this whole "storm the townhalls" movement is straight up astroturf, there do seem to be a large number of people who actually believe that Barack Obama, the democratically elected President of the United States, has teamed up with the US Congress in a devious plot to kill off US Citizens. (remember the good old days, when it was unpatriotic to accuse the president of torturing non-citizens? even when he was, you know, actually doing that. *sigh*)

I understand that when profits for healthcare companies shoot up 10 billion dollars in a 7 year period, there will be no second thoughts on spending millions of dollars on PR campaigns to convince us that Uncle Sam can't be trusted. I even understand the appeal of the "we have the best healthcare in the world! We don't want that crappy government run stuff. They hate it over there in [England/France/Canada/ect]!" approach in a country where few people have been to any of those places. Nor, apparently, can we be bothered to find a french person on facebook or something to ask them if this is true. I get it. I do. These companies have a vested interest, the kind with more zeros than most of us will ever see in our lives.

I don't even mind when bought and paid for members of congress say stupid things like "This bill is a jobs killer". Such a statement, while untrue, can be debated by both sides. Having concerns about the impact on the economy is natural. I am worried about the impact of the current state of affairs on the economy, so I can relate. This at least resembles intelligent criticism, and is therefore fare game.

However, there is a line. Scaring the crap out of old people, telling them that the government will put them before "death panels" is completely beyond the pale. That is 100% not okay. For people to be suggesting this is beyond merely manipulative. It is immoral, unethical and in truly bad taste. I am deeply embarrassed that anyone in a position of power in this country-- whether elected office or tv personality-- would ever urge on such a thing. And no, Glenn Beck does not get a pass simply for being crazy.

Many of these people remember a time when there were places in the world where one could be put to death by the government. There was also a time in this country where we did round up a select group of people, only then it was on the basis of national origin. For anyone to be suggesting that that is what is happening now is deeply offensive. The fact that they are playing on these fears for their own political gain when they know them to be completely misleading is... well its something I don't have a word for. But I'm sure I could find a couple.

Which brings me to my last question of the evening. Is there no honor in the Republican party any more? What started with Karl Rove led John McCain, a man I once admired for following his conscience when it counted, to abandoned all scruples in the presidential race. Today, we have Palin crying "death pannel", That PA guy stoking birthers, and Rush Limbaugh still somehow has listeners??

As usual, my girl Rachel M says it best.

I feel bad for old school republicans, I really do. There is no honor left among the GOP. Well, maybe they can join up with the dems (who have become amazingly centrist in the last 10 years or so) and then the real left in this country can finally strike out in a more progressive direction.

But first, health care! we need us some health care reform. badly.

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