Thursday, August 13, 2009

When policy is beside the point. in our national debate on policy. wtf?

Rob Reich seems to think that the town hall zealots could be stopped with solid facts and a clearer political message from the whitehouse.

I'm not sure if hes looking at the same footage of this as I have been, but from what I'm seeing reason has almost nothing to do with this. Mass hysteria seldom has a basis in fact. (Trust me, I've been to Mardi Gras. I have literally seen grown men and women fight each other for strings of plastic beads that they will not even want the next day. Man is not generally as rational as we would like to believe.)

I'm not sure how this gets fixed exactly. Maybe Obama can talk some sense into at least some of these folks. But unless the Palin/Limbaugh/Beck/Grassley team stops stoking these fires, and unless the rest of the media stops amplifying their lies in their 24/7 echo chaimber under the guise of "fair and balanced reporting" (I'm looking at you, CNN) then I'm not sure what the rest of us can do.

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