Wednesday, March 2, 2011

cue training montage...

So, in case you needed proof that my horrible obsession with K-dramas has survived my shift to European soils, I've been watching a new one lately called Sungkyunkwan Scandal. Set in a famous university for noble kids/future government ministers in Joseon (aka anceint) times, the show is sort of a Yentl-meets-Dead Poets Society-meets-the West Wing fusion in K-drama form, although its much better than it sounds. promise.

Basically, friendships are formed, philosophy is studied, feminist and progressive principles are acquired and asserted with increasing confidence, and hijinx ensue. Plus, everyone is adorable! And the cinematography is surprisingly good. And a healthy dose of Korean temples as setting never hurt anyone. Did I mention the part with a recurring bit about hiccups? Inner fan girl, meet inner philosphy student. Yay for unlikely common ground.

I usually try to keep my k-drama habit (which I'm slightly embarrassed about) out of my blog (which I'm also slightly embarrassed about. if only because the phrase "my blog" still feels unbearably awkward and pretentious to me). The reason I bring it up is that all this televised studying has me itching to get back to school myself (sad, right?). So I've decided to start circuit training my brain. If it works for physical exercise, why not right?

So after two hours of lesson prep and an hour of internet surfing, I moved on to dreaded GRE prep. Much as I greatly dislike math, its just something that has to be done. So after glaring at the table of formulas and mentally pouting "싫어!" at it for a minute, I dug in. Only to find mistakes in the practice examples they'd worked out for us. Now, I'm the type of person who really needs this review. Its been years since I've had a proper math class or really needed to do anything more complicated than make change. I had to get out a calculator and check that it was actually their mistake and not mine. So, if I can catch these mistakes, surely someone with actual mathmatical knowledge should have caught them. Which leads me to wonder, did Baron's even bother to proofread their book before selling it to me?

Good thing I'm too dense to retain most of the information in there. Who knows what else I am learning wrong. sigh.

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