Monday, March 28, 2011

eat cake, b*tches.

adding to the long list of poor decisions being made by the now-dominant right in the name of ideology, we have this gem... deny people food stamps!

sure, it wouldn't really save us much money and would wind up costing us more than we save, economically (there is a multiplyer effect with programs like this were every dollar spent by the gov't almost doubles in impact as it moves across the economic food-chain) but it makes our conservative hearts feel all warm and fuzzy inside. that's a sound basis for policy, right?

(NYT oped here)

I'm just wondering, who will the right blame once it is done decimating all its rhetorical bogeymen? At this rate, labor unions, planned parenthood and any form of social welfare will be all but non-existent come the next election. (forgive the hyperbole, its just how I roll.)

If they were smart, they'd let liberals open the borders and legalize gay marriage in all 50 states. at least then they'd have a platform. Until today's right wing movements find something to stand FOR, they will need a new cast of things to be against. and standing for something is not exactly the road most traveled of late.

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