Sunday, October 17, 2010

got some dirt on my shoulder, could you brush it off for me?

So, Petr's friends are in town from Hradec this weekend. I really like them, partially becuase they are totally willing to speak English with me and partially becuase they keep getting me to try new things, which is a major goal of my life.

Yesterday, we did shots of Russian vodka (smooth but strong) and today I tried beef tartare for the first time (actually surprisingly good, despite the preliminary ick factor of uncooked meat) and was also introduced to Kofilu, a kind of shot involving czech rum, a spoonful of coffee and a mothful of disolved sugar. It was also surprisingly good, and i was goaded into doing a second shot (one for each leg, as they say). It gets its name from the coffee filled chocolate bar, and actually bears a striking resemblance. I can't wait to expereince more Czech things, even though I want to talk about them in korean still.... *sigh*

Dobru noc. Chal chayo! Sleep well all, and to all a good night. ;)

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